Master List: Defeating SAT and ACT Stress

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Fall semester grinds on without a real end in sight (yet): the Seniors among you are up to your necks in college application work, and many Juniors are tackling the SAT/ACT for the first time. In other words, I know you’ve got stress on your plate….and not a ton of time to figure out how to deal with it! So, I’m going to keep this post short and simple. Below, I’ve rounded up my blog’s many existing articles that will help you slay all the many types of anxiety that crop up around standardized testing. These tips will help you diagnose and heal what ails you….so you can get back to acing those tests/midterms/applications! 

Motivation and Mindset for Junior and Senior Year

Need help getting your head in the game? Feeling paralyzed? A successful junior year begins with your mindset, so hit these two if you need help there.

Perfectionism is the Devil 

Are you pulling your hair out over the SAT/ACT? This article breaks down—point by point—how perfectionist tendencies can actually lower your score…and what to do instead. Sometimes you just need a reality check to break out of the perfectionist trap. That’s where this post comes in!

 Nervous about Junior Spring? Here's How to Survive it

Feeling so stressed you just want to give up? This pep talk will help you start next semester with energy and courage instead of dread and lethargy.

Managing Your Time during Test Prep

Managing your time during test-prep is always a challenge...and it's even tougher during a semester as packed as this one. Grab some tips here for solving your schedule snarls.

How to Find Study Time for the SAT or ACT

Now that you’ve decided not to TOTALLY give up, how are you actually supposed to carve out time in that packed schedule to prep for your standardized tests?! Read on to find out.

Why “Study More” Isn't Enough

This one's especially geared towards getting you and your parents on the same page about a study plan. Study time should be for improving your scores, NOT for keeping the peace...and the time to make sure it is? NOW.

How to Get Over Test Anxiety By Making a Big-Picture Framework

Sometimes what makes test prep intimidating is the fact that you don’t really know how high your score needs to be….to get into the colleges YOU want to attend. This post helps you figure out exactly what your score should be, and then make a study plan to get your practice test scores up to that point. This one’s all about working smart, not hard.

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Testing Tune-Ups

As test dates approach, you need concrete advice about how to manage stress and anxiety to KEEP them from negatively impacting your test experience...and your score! Here are some of my favorite ways to clear your head on, and right before, test day.

5 Mental Exercises to Become a Better Test-Taker

Still in the end stages of studying? Great! That means you've got time to use these Mental Mastery Techniques to raise your scores!

The Truth About Test Anxiety and How to Overcome It

Do you suspect that you’re experiencing more than the average pre-test nerves? This article goes into what may cause crushing test anxiety, as well as one technique (“three points of contact”) for dealing with it when it comes up when you’re in the testing seat. With test dates looming, this post has entered your life just in the nick of time.

Page Turn Zen

This article shows you step-by-step how to employ another of my patented anxiety-busting techniques. To be used during your test! 

How to Beat Test Anxiety: Tips for Perfectionists AND Slackers

How about some strategies you can use in the weeks before the test? Here are some very brief practices you can start incorporating into your life NOW so that your mental chatter is way less loud come test day.

Got what you needed? Good!

I'm sending you good vibes during this busy, stressful time. And if what you need to make it less busy and stressful is personalized help from an expert, you can always contact me here

OR, if private tutoring doesn’t fit your budget or study style, never fear! My online course is perfect for you:

This is a totally digital, totally self-directed video class that will help you slay the dragon of your test anxiety. I walk you through over a DOZEN tricks and strategies for keeping calm and testing on. The hacks in today’s post are just the beginning! My bingeable, rewatchable course is designed to help even the most nervous test-takers get the high scores they deserve.