Expert Guidance For Uncertain Times: FREE Webinars on Test Prep in the Time of Covid-19

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These are crazy times we're living in, huh? We're facing disruption and hardship, and there are lot of things we don’t know right now. That’s true in all areas of our lives right now, which really takes a toll. I’ve also seen it more specifically in the area of MY expertise: standardized testing. Some SAT and ACT test dates have been canceled; others may be question marks. Regents and IB exams have been cancelled. AP exams have been changed and reformatted. It’s pretty hectic, and it’s particularly problematic because test prep is time-based and it’s handled most effectively with a solid plan based on sound information and expert analysis.

I’ve been trying to keep you updated on the latest news, but things are moving fast—and those college application deadlines aren’t getting any further away!  And if you’re anything like the families that I’m personally coaching through this really difficult time, what will soothe you right now is the assurance that you’re doing everything you can do to adjust to the challenges that Covid-19 is creating in the test prep and college application process—that you have all the information you need to put yourself in the best possible position. And you know what doesn’t hurt either? Having an expert in your corner.

So until the end of the school year, I’ll be offering you the chance to get the latest news, most cutting-edge expert analysis, and personal advice directly from me—and it’s absolutely free.

We’re finding out new information every single week, if not every day. Things we know to be true one week might not be true the next. That’s why I’m going to be offering regular opportunities to check in, get informed, and get help. I’ll be staying abreast on ALL the latest updates so that you can just join me for an hour and catch up on countless hours of research.

Every other week until the end of the school year, I’ll be giving a free webinar.

This free resource is for you AND for your high school teen. In this webinar series, I’ll address the latest in how COVID-19 and the related shutdowns are impacting standardized testing and how that relates to the college admissions process. 

When you join me, I’ll be giving you the latest updates on the SAT, ACT, APs, SAT IIs, Regents, IB, and anything else that you might need to know. I’ll be breaking down how that changes the situation for you and how you can make the adjustments that will keep you on track to that dream school—you know, the one with the classrooms that will fill back up with new students on their way to bright futures once we can un-distance ourselves. I’ll even be taking your individual questions so I can speak directly to YOUR personal situation (because everyone’s situation is different!).

We’ll go into how the latest updates affect YOUR testing timeline. We’ll go into EXACTLY what to do if you’re a high school junior and if you’re a sophomore. I’ll reveal my timing strategies so you can complete any and all testing requirements with flying colors…even with the obstacles we’re collectively facing.

After I’ve addressed the latest updates and your new plans of action to get into the college of your dreams, each session will also include a special area of focus timed to the college admissions cycle, so I’ll be giving you exactly what you need right when you need it.

So, if you want the best (and again, COMPLETELY FREE) information available and expert advice about how to navigate it, register for a webinar—or for all of them!

The next four scheduled events are as follows:

Finally, here’s the best part: at the end of my updates, refigured testing timelines, and special focus, I’m going to open up the conversation to YOU. Yes, YOU will get to ask me any and all of your test prep questions…for FREE! Regardless of if it’s specifically related to the impacts of this pandemic or simply general questions about preparing for the SAT and ACT, getting into college, and/or homeschooling advice!

I offer this to you COMPLETELY FREE. You can attend one session or all four (or more than four, if the series continues to be both necessary and possible), asking me your burning college process questions each call. I am here to do what I do best: take in the chaotic amounts of cacophonous information…and turn it into a clear, simple, concrete PLAN for you to follow.

Spaces are limited, so grab your spot soon. Even if you can’t make it live, registering for your spot means you’ll get the recording of the session that I’ll send out when it’s over—so you’ll still get the briefing.

You can see and register for all of the webinar events here. Feel free to come if you are a high school parent or high school student of any grade—wherever you are in your college process, and wherever you are in the world, you’re welcome.

Let me take this off your plate.

We’re in this together. It’s a time to pitch in and give what we can give. So while I can’t get hand sanitizer back on the shelves or your favorite coffee shop back open, I can keep you up to date and help you navigate the changing landscape of test prep and college admissions in the midst of this upheaval—and that’s one less thing to worry about right now.

See you there. Until I do, stay safe, stay sane, and stay on track.